Tuesday 3 November 2009

Capturing movement with light

For these particular photographs I used a long exposure time to produce light trails. I experimented with various exposure times i.e some photos that I took were exposed for too long and some for too little amount of time, for this particular photo shown to the left I used an exposure time of about 30 seconds and I feel that the image produced works well. The image shown on the left was taken from the central reservation of the dual carriageway, this shows both the tail and front lights of the cars producing a trail of both red and white lights. I feel that this works particularly well as the two colours add contrast and definition to the photo.

The way the light is reflected in this image particularly catches the viewers eye. As the light begins in the distance it can be seen as a collective mass of light as it moves down the image the light becomes more defined leaving a thin stream of white moving off the page. This stream of white reflects on the road illuminating and highlighting details on the side of the road adding detail and texture to the image. A particuarlly interesting aspect of this image os the way the light trail follows the road creating a bend of light across the page.

The overall outcome of this image works well as several different light trails move across the page. Compared to the other images that I have developed this particular one, to me stands out. This is because the other photographs that I have produced have been taken from the side or centre of a darkened dual carriage way, this photo was taken from a bridge above a round about and due to the street lamps a lot more detail can be seen in the photo which works really well with these light trails. I had to use a longer exposure time for this photo than I did for the others. This is because the cars where moving slower than on the dual carriage way and because I intended to capture more light trails as the cars moved a round the round about. What makes this photo so interesting is the way that the light trails tail of from different areas of the round about and join together to then leave the round about again. The smooth curves that the light trails have created pleasing to look at for the viewer and create a sense of smooth elegant movement.

After taking a series of photograhs of light trails produced by traffic on the dual carrage way I was inspired to produce photographs using light in the same way but in a different sittuation. After looking at the work of .......... I decided to produce .

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